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Our affiliates seek to serve their members throughout the state of Illinois. Find an affiliate in your area and learn more by reading below!

Formed in 1974, the SSPRPA is an organization of active park districts and recreation agencies of Chicago's south suburban metropolitan area. TheĀ mainĀ goal of the SSPRPA is to serve all communities in this area through better parks and recreation. It is believed through professional ties and exchange of ideas established by the membership in the SSPRPA that individual park and recreation agencies will benefit by improved recreational and leisure services.
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We pride ourselves on having funĀ· we are, after all, in the business of it. SPRA focuses on the less stuffy kind of networking that welcomes students and executives, with no dress code or awkward conversations, just fun and a little shop talk.
Sound like your kind of people?
Then Join us!


To provide high quality education and networking opportunities for Park and Recreation Professionals, Students and Businesses in Central Illinois.
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The association's objective shall be the gathering and disseminating of facts and information with reference to public parks, gardens, forest preserves, conservation districts, and recreation agencies to establish friendly cooperation of all agents directing and controlling the same.
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SIPRA promotes the highest standards of professionalism, competence and ethics in the delivery of public park, recreation, and leisure services.


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